Stress and the lack of sleep CAN influence the way you look.
If you get enough quality sleep, you will wake up with healthy, youthful looking skin. However the opposite is also true. Not getting enough sleep can aggravate your acne and undermine efforts to cure acne.
When this happens, there is an increase in inflammation and an increase in insulin resistance which can lead to acne and diabetes, weight gain, and an increase in stress level. Lack of sleep can also lead to anxiety, depression and negative feelings. Over a period of time, you may find yourself constantly waking up tired, physically and emotionally.
In a recent study, German researchers found that a stress hormone called corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) is released in the sebaceous gland - producing oily skin which causes acne to form when these oily secretions beneath the skin plug up the pores.
So to keep acne away, reduce these 4 things:
Of course, don't forget to sleep! Studies suggest that the optimal amount is about 7-8 hours for adults and 9 or more hours for school-aged children and adolescents. However. the quality of sleep is as important as quantity in order to be well rested.
Sleep is an important factor in the overall acne healing process. In fact, it is so important that sleep deprivation can prevent you from getting clear skin - no matter how good your diet is and no matter how much skincare you use. Be sure to get quality, restorative beauty sleep.